Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Ruby Franke


YouTube personality 'Ruby Franke' issues apology during sentencing for child abuse case!

Ruby Franke, a mother of six from Utah who once shared parenting advice with a wide audience through a popular YouTube channel, tearfully apologized to her children in court. The judge handed down a sentence that could potentially result in her spending years, if not decades, in prison. Franke attributed her actions to being "manipulated" by her fellow YouTuber and business partner.

During the sentencing, Franke refrained from seeking a shorter sentence and instead expressed gratitude to local law enforcement, doctors, and social workers whom she referred to as the "angels" who rescued her children from her influence. Franke's business partner, Jodi Hildebrandt, a mental health counselor initially hired to work with Franke's youngest son, also received four consecutive prison sentences ranging from one to 15 years.

Despite the severity of their actions, both women will serve a maximum of 30 years in prison due to a Utah state law capping consecutive penalties. The Utah Board of Pardons and Parole will assess their behavior while incarcerated to determine the actual time each will spend behind bars.

In a remorseful statement to her absent children, Franke acknowledged the harm she caused, stating, "My willingness to sacrifice all for you was masterfully manipulated into something very ugly. I took from you all that was soft and safe and good."

The charges against Franke and Hildebrandt include four counts of aggravated child abuse, involving attempts to convince Franke's two youngest children that they were evil and needed punishment to repent. Their arrest occurred after Franke's 12-year-old son escaped and sought help from a neighbor.

Describing the environment the children were kept in, the state prosecuting attorney characterized it as "a concentration camp-like setting," drawing parallels to the horrific conditions in Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust.

Franke has shown remorse and cooperated with authorities, while Hildebrandt, according to the prosecuting attorney, continues to place blame on the children. Hildebrandt's attorney, Douglas Terry, emphasized her acceptance of responsibility for her actions.

Both women have pleaded guilty to their charges, with Franke admitting to abusive acts like kicking her son while wearing boots and subjecting him to physical labor in extreme conditions. The abuse extended to Franke's youngest daughter as well, who was coerced into harmful actions by Hildebrandt. The Franke parents' YouTube channel, "8 Passengers," has since ended, and Ruby's husband has filed for divorce.

The sentencing marks a tragic end to a once-prominent parenting influencer's public image, as both Franke and Hildebrandt now face the consequences of their abusive actions.

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